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John Bunyan - A Pilgrims Progress
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John Bunyan - A Pilgrims Progress
The Template of Great Literature
John Bunyan - A Pilgrims Progress
A book that crosses most of the barriers of time, race and culture! This is the supreme classic of the spiritual journey. Bunyan wrote the first part of his allegory while in prison for his faith. This experience adds extra urgency and depth to his story of Christian pursuing his spiritual quest through Vanity Fair and the Slough of Despond towards the Celestial City. This lecture explores Bunyan’s early life and the formation of the foundations that led him to his greatest book. It is a work of imaginative intensity and an inspired rendering of the stages of any true spiritual journey.
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Live recording available on audio CD (about one hour in length) for £12.99, including postage & packing. To BUY this CD, click add to cart below
Live recording available in digital download format (about one hour in length) for £7.99. To BUY this download, click add to cart below
Written lectures available in digital email or posted hardcopy format for £7.99. To BUY this, click add to cart below
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