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the world's great writings brought to life  
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Recordings - the Template of Great Literature on audio CD
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Live recordings of Jane Mackay's talks and lectures available on CD - approximately 1 hour in length.
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Shakespeare: Richard III
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William Shakespeare's sinister history of a king who murders his way to the throne.
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Shakespeare:The Tempest
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In effect Shakespeare's last full length and for many his greatest play and the most esoteric of all his works.
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William Shakespeare - Love's Labour's Lost
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How can a play have language as its main character? Here the Master explores the many meanings of ‘love’. And the dangers of playing with that major force!
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William Shakespeare - The Merchant of Venice
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A pound of human flesh as opposed to the quality of mercy! The vengeful Shylock against the merciful Portia. Mercy is more potent than Justice! Shakespeare beautifully proves this.
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William Shakespeare - Twelfth Night
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A Duke in love with being in love. Separated identical twins, cross-dressing and mistaken identity. Huge if poignant fun.
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Shaw's play emerged in 1912 and was packaged as a romantic comedy. It is much more a sharp lampoon on the rigid class structure of English society. Come and meet the first Eliza Doolittle and her mentor Professor Higgins, long before 'My Fair Lady' was ever thought of.
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Nevil Shute: A Town Like Alice
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Nevil Shute's wonderful study of the different facets of courage. Set in Malaya and Australia, Shute's novel provides us with a heroine we can never forget.
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John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath
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The American dustbowl and an epic drama of the migrant push West to an illusory prosperity. John Steinbeck was there to watch the broken dreams! ‘I’m writing history while it is happening, and I’ve got to get it right!’ And he does.
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R.L.Stevenson 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'.
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One of the most famous studies of the opposites that lurk within us all. Stevenson's small book has generated over 100 films, none of which are true to the original.
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Uncle Tom's Cabin
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Abraham Lincoln thought that this was the book that started the American Civil War. It was the first American novel to become an international best seller. But, from being celebrated as a defence of human rights, it has become hugely controversial.
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Dylan Thomas 'Under Milk Wood'.
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Thomas's most famous poem was first broadcast as a radio play in 1954, just a month before the poet's death.
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Tolstoy:War and Peace
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Leo Tolstoy's huge epic novel about Napoleon's invasion of Russia has been compared in its scope to the 'Iliad'.
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Recordings 85 to 96 of 99
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